What the F is DevOps?
Who knows? Whenever I’ve talked to a recruiter or hiring manager, often the first minutes are dedicated to explaining and scope what the role of the DevOps team is. Origin of DevOps Everybody knows this right? In the traditional way of working, there were developers writing code and sysadmins taking care of servers, doing operations. Software engineers would “chuck their code over the wall” to the sysadmins and these sysadmins would deploy the code.
October 31, 2024
Automation Is a Panacea
Panacea noun a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases. Obviously there are no panaceas, let’s downgrade it to “something that is good to do in almost all circumstances”. According to the first citation in Wikipedia: “Automation is the technology by which a process or procedure is performed with minimal human assistance”. For our sofware engineering purposes, we’d think of automation as a “script” or program that runs a series of steps that were performed manually before — see “infrastructure as code” for example.
December 21, 2023